Jane M. Healey, Ph.D.
Jane M. Healey, Ph.D.
Pediatric Neuropsychologist
About My Practice
I am a New York and Boston trained clinical neuropsychologist who brings to NJ a wealth of clinical and scientific knowledge of developmental and neuropsychological problems affecting children, adolescents, and young adults. I received my Ph.D. from City University of NY in a doctoral program that provided training and supervised experience in clinical neuropsychology. In my training, I was involved in clinical work and research in the fields of dyslexia, laterality, and left handedness. My two years of postdoctoral training in neuropsychology in Boston solidified my knowledge and expertise in brain behavior relationships. While there I was trained in the process approach to neuropsychological evaluations.
Since that time, I have conducted research in dyslexia and ADHD and I have over 30 scientific publications in peer reviewed journals. I was the Director of Child Psychology and Neuropsychology at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in NYC for 9 years where I trained future neuropsychologists. While at Mt. Sinai, I created and directed a specialized clinic, the School Problems Center, a unique multidisciplinary clinic of Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Learning Disabilities specialists. I served as an Adjunct Professor in the Dept. of Psychology at Farleigh Dickinson University for 7 years, where I taught Child Neuropsychology to school psychology and clinical psychology students. I am currently a Lecturer in the Dept. of Education, Center for Dyslexia Studies, at FDU Teaneck Campus. I am a long standing member of NJPA, CHADD, the International Dyslexia Association, and the International Neuropsychological Society. I have conducted numerous workshops and in-service lectures on topics related to the proper evaluation of dyslexia, ADHD, NVLD, attention, and executive functioning disorders. I have testified in court in both NY and NJ on behalf of children and adolescents with learning and emotional needs that were not being appropriately met in the public schools.
I have practiced as a clinical neuropsychologist with a specialization in Pediatric Neuropsychology in Ridgewood, NJ for the past 25 years. I bring to NJ both educational and scientific knowledge about learning disabilities, ADHD, autism, and medical conditions such as extreme prematurity, hydrocephalus, seizure disorders, and TBI. I specialize in Neuropsychological and Psychoeducational Evaluations, which have as their unique strength the ability to closely examine how both learning and behavior are related to the development of brain organization and function. This type of evaluation is typically conducted in three test sessions lasting 8 to 9 hours, and it generates a profile of cognitive and learning strengths and weaknesses as well as specific diagnoses. This profile is necessary to obtain an accurate diagnosis of the child or adult's problems, which leads to demystification of the problem. It also leads to more informed and specialized treatments to maximize the child's and adolescent's learning potential. I consult with specialized programs and schools throughout the tristate area in make recommendations regarding the most appropriate educational environment for your child or teen.
My mission is to understand a child or adolescent's neurocognitive strengths and weaknesses by integrating the past, the present, and the future. I need to understand the child's past, which includes developmental, medical, social, and educational history and how these factors affect the present symptom picture. Then, I have to fully evaluate where the child is right now with respect to her learning and behavior. Finally, I make predictions about where he is going based on my knowledge of brain development and the natural course of learning and attentional problems. In this way, I strive to understand the development of the child as a "whole" rather than focusing on just pieces of her development. I am committed to providing additional insight and guidance to enhance your ability to work with your child, her school, and her therapists. When we understand the child as a whole, we can treat her problems in a more focused and efficient way.
The famous late Dr. Byron Rourke who is one of the first neuropsychologists to establish the specialty of child neuropsychology once wrote in 1991, “If it’s worth doing it’s worth doing right. The determination of the role that neurological disease, disorder, or dysfunction may play in the etiology, presentation, prognosis, and treatment planning for a child is worth doing right (i.e. by an experienced child clinical neuropsychologist)”. I wholeheartedly concur with Dr. Rourke's feelings regarding child neuropsychological evaluations.
The value of getting a good evaluation that leads to a proper diagnosis of dyslexia and treatment plan is illustrated in one of my patient’s you tube videos shared with her family's permission. I diagnosed Izzy with orthographic dyslexia, explained how smart she really was, and recommended remedial interventions. In this video, Izzy illustrates how this dyslexia evaluation demystified her problem and helped shape her identity as a student and person. I think it’s obvious from her message that children with dyslexia are bright stars with much to say about their learning differences.
Did you know that both New York and New Jersey have laws pertaining to identification and treatment for dyslexia? In NY, there is Chapter 216 of the Laws of 2017- Which acknowledges the unique educational needs of students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia and states that school districts may reference or use the terms dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia in evaluations, eligibility determinations, or in developing an individualized education program. In NJ, the definition of dyslexia is in the NJ education code, and teachers of grades K-3 and specialists must receive at least two hours of training annually on the screening, intervention, and accommodations for students with reading disabilities, including dyslexia. Please see 2014. PL2013 c 131, 105, 210. Dyslexia definition, minimum professional development, and screening for learning disabilities.
My client Harry who is on the autism spectrum has been creating music for much of his life. Some of my favorites are his rendition of the Beatles, "A Day In The Life" and "She's Leaving Home". Please check out his You Tube videos below.
I am also aware of the significant impact of learning, attention, and executive functioning problems on the functioning of older adolescents and adults. They have difficulty getting into the college of their choice, completing college, procuring employment, and maintaining relationships. These problems need to be specifically identified so that these adults can understand what the problem is, obtain needed accommodations and services, and realize their potential.
I have been training externs and interns, post docs, early career neuropsychologists, and experienced neuropsychologists in all areas of assessment, interpretation, and report writing. If you are a student or psychologist who wishes to enhance your knowledge of neuropsychological assessment techniques, I welcome the opportunity to teach you what I know.
NJ Location:
75 N. Maple Avenue
Suite 101-B
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Office: 201 251-8411
Mobile: 201-960-3571